Pre-Assessment What is your age range? 18-25 26-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 56+ Please choose your marital status. Married Single Widowed Divorced Separated Other Have ever taken a formal and comprehensive unbiased financial wellness course? Yes No I have very defined short and long-term financial goals. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Statistics show that money has become somewhat of a distraction at work or school due to a lack of a financial plan. To what extent have finances affected your engagement, focus, concentration, performance, productivity or readiness at work or school? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all I feel stressed about my finances. Yes No Finances are one of the top three stressors in my household. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree On a scale of 1-10, how much do your finances have an impact on your stress level? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I live on a structured budget. Yes No I have an emergency fund that would allow me to handle a major unexpected expense of $1,000.00 or more without borrowing money. Yes No My current debt load (including my mortgage) is… $0 $1-$999 $1,000-$4,999 $5,000-$19,999 $20,000-$69,999 $70,000-$199,999 $200,000-$499,999 $500,000+ If you have student loans, what is your debt load? $0 (N/A) $1,000-$4,999 $5,000-$19,999 $20,000-$69,999 $70,000-$199,999 $200,000-$499,999 $500,000+ I know my current credit score. Agree Disagree Are you satisfied with your current credit score? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied I have an investment account. Yes No I have a will. Yes No I somewhat financially support my parents with student loan proceeds. Yes No Do you have a Roth IRA account? Yes No Not eligible Do you have a credit card? Yes No Send